Marnie Andrews
There are all kinds of laughs and “The Realization of Emily Linder” at the New Jersey Repertory Company gives us the best kind – the laughter of recognition. We know these characters. We know them from our own families – with all of the usual tensions, rivalries and see-saw emotions. We know them because they are so deftly introduced. They draw themselves so clearly from the very start that we can’t help but keep recognizing them in their actions and interactions throughout the play. This gives us pause and makes us laugh out loud, along with everyone else in the audience. Congratulations to NJ Rep on another world premiere. This theater in Long Branch has a remarkable record for introducing plays that go places. Well-conceived, well-written, well-directed, well-acted, well-staged, no one will be surprised if “The Realization of Emily Linder” extends that reputation. Everything is set in motion when the mother, Emily, played with expertise and cunning by Marnie Andrews….Raphael Badagliacca
Front Row Center